Author Archives: Pat

Our New VP

I have to confess that I watched the Vice-Presidential debates a week ago with some anxiety. Senator Kamala Harris was pretty much unknown to me. I had watched her accept the nomination but that didn’t tell me what I needed … Continue reading

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The Non-Presidential 2020 Debate

This blog will be short. I am embarrassed, dismayed, distressed and concerned with Donald Trump’s uncivil and irrational, and rude performance at the Presidential debate last night. I can’t believe that man is our President. The press asks, “Who won … Continue reading

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Pandemics Post 2

 Pandemics Day Two I watched in amazement and gratitude as thousands in peaceful protest against racism in America walked three miles in Boston following the murder of George Floyd by a police officer. As the protest ended and night fell, … Continue reading

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Two Pandemics Something trumped Covid 19 this week. Racism in America. The video of a white police officer with his knee on a Black man’s neck while he shouted, “I can’t breathe,” until he died, went viral. Then, while so … Continue reading

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God Lessons from the Coronavirus

Let’s be clear, I am in no way saying that some Divine Force sent us the coronavirus and the pandemic that has resulted. This being said, I proceed. I have had a hard time imagining how a Holy Force could … Continue reading

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Miranda My Angel My new book!

Miranda, our dear dog, died in September of 2018.  My feelings were so intense and my connection to her so deep, that I began to write about her life and death, and her aging. I have written a book about … Continue reading

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Worship as an Act of Defiance

Sunday, October 28, 2018   Worship as an Act of Defiance   This morning, going to church seemed like an act of defiance.  And an act of solidarity with my Jewish brothers and sisters whose sacred space was violated by … Continue reading

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Thomas Fitch Kepler Celebrates 60 years of Ministry

Thomas Fitch Kepler: 60 Years as an Ordained Christian Minister   On July 13, 2018, Thomas Fitch Kepler celebrated the day he was ordained to Christian Ministry in the United Presbyterian Church, USA, 60 years ago.  In fact, in 2018 … Continue reading

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Take Time to Pause and Appreciate

Take Time to Pause and Appreciate I have been going through boxes of old files. A tedious job as one of my friends said. A job which, it turns out, has an important life lesson for me. I keep finding … Continue reading

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July 4th 2018

July Fourth 2018 I began to reflect on the Fourth of July yesterday, but family celebrations came first, and now it is July Fifth…now Tenth!  I was, and still am remembering, that in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed. … Continue reading

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