The Techy and the Tyrant

The techy and the tyrant.
At first glance an odd pair
One looking backward
To a Golden Age
That never was
One looking forward
To an Advancing Age
That surely will be
Both imagining
A blank page of possibilities
When both men
Loaded with ambition
Wielding wealth and greed
Fostering fear with shameless power
Bloated with their own importance
Fulfill all their lusts
By eliminating all boundaries
And gathering true believers
Into the cult of their control
And the false glory
Of a supremacist destiny
In which they prosper
And the poor perish.

The fortunes of dreamers
Of liberation and just law
Of truth facing and reconciliation
Seems to have run out
They are forgotten and outdated
Their God presumed dead
Replaced by a violent God
Of the apocalypse
Who will destroy all dissidents
And silence all prophets,
And ridicule all opposition,
And elevate the chosen few
Who act like gods.

The techy (ies) and tyrant(s)
Have this in common:
On the brink of a new era,
They are patrons of patriarchy
Which is bound to fail.
They think they can ride their privilege
Into the future without interference
From the public or the Presence.
Those who are believers
Dote on white male divinity
Their God is all powerful
And passes power on to them.
But, the Golden Era they promote
And the Reigning Divine who presides
Are aflame with embers of destruction.
That light up the night
And burn down everything in their path.
No one needs a smoldering dying illusion.

The dreamers are not gone
And the God of peace lives.
They are emerging into the light
Proclaiming our need
For an age of Love,
Of strong, persevering love
Of intimate love and stranger love
That rides on the wings of the Spirit
Making the world great
From the inside out.

We approach an Age of the Living Word
In which all are free
To fearlessly speak truth to power
And bind up the broken hearted.
We want a God who gathers us in
All of us, and holds us close
Telling us we matter
Who breathes life into dead bones
And troubled minds
And weary spirits
Who lifts us up
To feel joy even in the midst of reality,
Who calls to us to embrace life
In its simple everydayness
And its miraculous beauty.

We need techies detached from tyrants
Leaders not addicted to their egos,
Who don’t turn politics into comic drama,
That turns tragic in the real world
When illusion enters time
And fame flounders
It flops.

We need to choose the guidance
Of those committed to nonviolence
Who protect peaceful power
In a new Age
Unfolding and unexplored
Bidding us to reach for Mars
Before we can get along on earth,
Seducing us to embrace technology
Without protecting Creation’s future.
We need to preserve tomorrow
For the young to whom it belongs.
And care about today
For all humanity’s sake!

The Mystery beyond our understanding
That transcends all Ages
Evolves with us in this world
And reminds us to give thanks
For the air we breathe
The sun and moon that shine
The earth on which we stand
And the food and water that sustain
And the neighbors near and far
Who let compassion and mercy flow
In whose hands lie this precious life
That ensures that
The age to be will be.
In many colored splendor.

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